Author Archives: micah

Edible Plants that Are Easy to Grow

Most people think about beauty first when it comes to their landscaping, but the plants you grow in your yard can be both beautiful and functional—without a lot of excess work on your part. Today we are highlighting some edible plants that are easy to grow.  Fruits and vegetables Let’s start with some of the more traditional edible plants available to home gardeners: fruits and vegetables. While there will always be some amount of prep work and care that goes […]

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Things to Consider when Building an Outdoor Kitchen

Building an outdoor kitchen is exciting, but it also brings with it a lot of decisions, stress, and of course, cost. That means that it is crucial to consider all your options and really think things through before jumping into such a large project. So what exactly do you need to consider when building an outdoor kitchen?  Budget It can be extremely easy for outdoor kitchen projects to get out of hand budget wise. With a wide variety of upgraded […]

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Landscape Design Tips for Smaller Spaces

Many people think you have to have a big, sprawling backyard in order to justify stunning landscape design. But that’s simply not the case. Even a small yard can be carefully designed to become an at-home outdoor oasis, as long as a few simple principles are followed. Make the most of every space. When you’re working with a small space, it’s important that each space is used intentionally. Take a look at your overall space and think about the things […]

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Pizza Oven, BBQ Grill, or Smoker? Which Is Right for Your Yard?

When people spend a lot of time, energy, and money on perfecting their backyard, they want to end up with an outdoor space they can actually use. And few things make a yard more usable than outdoor cooking options. Even in Phoenix, where the outdoor temperatures can soar to miserable heights, outdoor kitchens are growing in popularity. But these days, there are so many options for outdoor cooking that it can be hard to know which cooking method is right […]

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Simple Tips to Conserve Water

Water conservation is a big part of the landscaping discussion right now, especially in places like Phoenix. With brutally hot summers and naturally dry, desert conditions, water is a resource that is as vital as it is scarce.  As more and more people think about droughts and potential water shortages, they also start to think about ways to conserve water in their landscaping. Luckily, there are several simple things that everyone can do to save a little (or a lot) […]

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4 Keys to the Perfect Summer Pool Party

If you have a backyard pool in Arizona (lucky you!), you’ve probably hosted your fair share of pool parties. Most people that live in or around Phoenix will take any chance they get to enjoy some cool water and good company.  Of course, there are more things you can do to make your next summer pool party even more enjoyable for you and your guests. Here are 4 of them. 1. Play it safe. Safety is always the name of […]

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Outdoor Lighting Ideas for Evening Entertainment

During the summer in the Phoenix area, sometimes the only time when it is bearable to be outside is after the sun goes down. Of course, nighttime backyard entertainment brings with it its own set of challenges—not the least of which is lighting. How can you light your backyard so you can enjoy your summer nights? Here are some ideas. String lights String lights have gained a lot of popularity over the past few years. That’s because they’re affordable, relatively […]

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Landscape Lighting: Solar Lights vs. Powered Lights

When designing your landscape, you face many decisions: pavers or concrete? Grass or turf? Fire pit or pergola? These big picture decisions are the ones that most people expect to make, but there are dozens of little decisions as well. One of those is whether you choose solar lights or traditionally powered lights. The importance of good lighting can not be overstated. Lighting can add ambience, focus, functionality, and safety to a yard, making it a relatively simple addition that […]

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Landscape Ideas that Save on Water

If you want to have a lush, green lawn, there’s a hard truth you have to face: it is going to take a lot of water. And when you live in a drought-prone desert like Arizona, you have to decide if the trade-off is worth it in terms of cost, effort, and environmental impact. Most Arizonans opt for landscaping options that save on water, and we are here for it! There are plenty of ways to adjust your landscaping so […]

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Ways to Dress Up Your Walkways

Every element of your landscaping is an opportunity to impress. The smallest details can take your outdoor space from good to great, highlighting areas that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. Take your walkways, for example. A walkway can be solely functional, or you can add fun, unexpected details to help dress it up a little. If you’re aiming to kick your landscape design up a notch, it might be time to add a little pizzazz to your walkways. Here’s how. […]

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