Monthly Archives: July 2021

4 Keys to the Perfect Summer Pool Party

If you have a backyard pool in Arizona (lucky you!), you’ve probably hosted your fair share of pool parties. Most people that live in or around Phoenix will take any chance they get to enjoy some cool water and good company.  Of course, there are more things you can do to make your next summer pool party even more enjoyable for you and your guests. Here are 4 of them. 1. Play it safe. Safety is always the name of […]

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Outdoor Lighting Ideas for Evening Entertainment

During the summer in the Phoenix area, sometimes the only time when it is bearable to be outside is after the sun goes down. Of course, nighttime backyard entertainment brings with it its own set of challenges—not the least of which is lighting. How can you light your backyard so you can enjoy your summer nights? Here are some ideas. String lights String lights have gained a lot of popularity over the past few years. That’s because they’re affordable, relatively […]

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