Pros and Cons of Lawn-Free Front Yard Design

A front lawn is almost a given of home ownership…but it’s not an obligation that everyone wants to take on. Some people opt to design their front yard in a way that does not include a full lawn of green grass. 

Today, we’re going to take a closer look at the pros and cons of choosing to keep your front yard lawn-free.


  1. Save water.  Water conservation is an important topic, and some homeowners care enough to sacrifice the grass in the front and back yards. On a community level, millions of gallons of water can be saved each year, simply by eliminating real grass in yards.
  2. Low maintenance. Grass lawns require regular mowing and trimming to keep them looking neat, not to mention yearly seeding, daily watering, and other occasional care. Grassless yards take the hassle out of yard maintenance.
  3. More space for other features. If you love plants, especially desert plants, then grass is really just taking up space in your yard. Cutting out the grass allows you to incorporate more plants, hardscaping, water features, or other elements into your yard.
  4. Lots of alternatives. A full lawn of real grass isn’t the only way to make your front yard beautiful these days. Turf, gravel, and hardscaping options can help you create a beautiful yard that fits your home’s style perfectly. 


  1. Appearance. Most people prefer the look of a green lawn in a front yard. Your home might take a hit to its curb appeal if you choose to forgo the real grass. Still, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you prefer the no-grass look, someone else probably will, too!
  2. Upfront cost. Maintaining a real lawn can be costly, but installing another type of yard (particularly one with artificial grass) can be expensive up front. You’ll have to decide if you’d rather spend money on your yard now or later.
  3. Lots of planning and design. A lawn takes up a lot of space in your yard. That can be a bad thing (if you want to add lots of other plants or features), but it also keeps planning and design relatively simple. Ditching the lawn means you’ll have to be a bit more thoughtful about how you lay out your yard, in order to maintain good flow and curb appeal. 

Now that you’re aware of some of the major pros and cons of lawn-free front yard design, you’re well equipped to make a more educated decision for your own yard. Whatever you choose, make sure your yard is professionally designed and installed in order to give you an outdoor space you’ll enjoy for years to come!

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