Plants to Attract Hummingbirds and Other Wildlife

One of the best parts of being outdoors is enjoying the birds, insects, and other wildlife you see in their natural habitats. Today, we’re going to give you some ideas for bringing nature right into your own backyard, with a list of plants that are known to attract hummingbirds and other wildlife.

Desert Honeysuckle

Desert honeysuckle gets its name because it thrives in the desert. It does well in sandy, clay, or well-drained soil and is resistant to drought, making it a perfect choice for Arizona landscaping (you can even plant it in full sun!). Its beautiful, bright-colored, fragrant blooms are well-known for attracting hummingbirds and butterflies, so if you want to bring wildlife into your backyard, this is an easy way to do it. 

Prickly Pear

This may surprise you, but cactus spines don’t always drive away wildlife! In fact, prickly pear cactus tends to attract many kinds of wildlife. The centers of prickly pear groups actually make a great place for birds to build nests (the spines provide added protection). The flowers of the prickly pear are brightly colored and will definitely attract butterflies and bees. And prickly pear fruit has a sweet flavor that birds love. In short, if your yard features desert landscape and you want to draw in wildlife, prickly pear is a perfect choice.

(Note: Because of the protection they offer, prickly pears often end up being a home for a less wanted visitor—packrats. Make sure to keep the base of your prickly pears clean and free from debris to avoid this!)


These red, tubular flowers are so popular among hummingbirds that the plant is nicknamed “hummingbird bush.” Not only will it attract hummingbirds, it’s also drought-tolerant and relatively easy to care for, and can grow rather large, so it’s great for covering a big area. 

Pink Fairy Duster

These flowers look about as magical as their name suggests, and they magically attract hummingbirds and butterflies too. These plants bloom like crazy twice a year (in the spring and the fall), and are a low-maintenance option for your yard.

Blue Palo Verde

As the Arizona state tree, the blue palo verde can be found pretty much everywhere both in nature and in landscaping. They provide an excellent place for birds to nest, most notably hummingbirds and doves. Even quail may rest under a palo verde at night. Also, the pods dropped by the palo verde are used as food for other animals like rabbits.


An Arizona landscaping staple, lantana are a great option if you want to attract pollinators like bees, butterflies, or hummingbirds to your yard. The domed flowers provide the perfect landing pad for insects, and the bright colors and sweet fragrance will definitely draw them in. Lantana are available in many color varieties, so you can find one that is perfect for your yard.

Any of these plants will be a great addition to your home landscape, and are sure to attract plenty of wildlife for you to enjoy. Remember to give wild animals their space so they can enjoy the scenery just as much as you do, and you’ll create a beautiful, safe environment for all involved.

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