Author Archives: stacey_bluth

Safe Water Features for Children

In Arizona, water is a popular choice for sprucing up your landscaping. Whether you go all out with a swimming pool, or keep it simple with a small fountain, using water in your landscaping gives you the opportunity to add a little oasis to your desert yard. Of course, there are downsides to water features too. While they can add to the cost of caring for your yard, and often require additional maintenance, the biggest issue is far more important: […]

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Arizona Seasonal Landscaping Tips

Landscaping in Arizona is unique to anywhere else in the world. Our dry, desert climate and warm temperatures mean that our landscaping looks a little different in the Phoenix area, and has to be cared for differently as well. And of course, there are seasonal changes to reckon with, as blazing hot summers give way to warm falls and pleasant winters. How can you be sure you’re taking care of your landscaping properly throughout all seasons in Arizona? Here are […]

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5 Must-Haves for Your Outdoor Kitchen

If you’re looking to truly expand your living space into your backyard, then an outdoor kitchen is the way to go. The perfect outdoor kitchen can take your yard to the next level, elevating everything from your next big party to next Tuesday’s dinner.  But in our years of experience helping Arizonans design their dream backyards, including outdoor kitchens, we’ve learned that not everyone knows what’s most important when it comes to creating an outdoor kitchen that’s beautiful, functional, and […]

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Real Grass vs. Artificial Turf

While artificial turf used to only be the stuff of miniature golf courses, it has come a long way over the years. In fact, artificial turf is now a popular option for home landscaping, as homeowners look for a low-maintenance, attractive way to add some greenery to their yards.  But how does artificial turf stack up against real grass? What are the pros and cons of each, and which is better for your specific needs? Should you consider adding artificial […]

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Things to Consider Before Installing a Swimming Pool

A swimming pool can be a fantastic investment for your backyard and your home. Swimming pools can provide unbeatable entertainment for your family and friends. And as a bonus, the swimming season in Arizona starts earlier and ends later than in most places! For some people, the choice to get a swimming pool feels like a no-brainer. But for anyone considering this investment, there are a few things you should consider before installing your pool. Is a pool right for […]

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Landscape Features to Help You Stay Cool

When you’re facing the brutal Arizona heat, every little bit helps when it comes to staying cool. While many Arizonans choose to spend the particularly hot days indoors, there are some things you can do, right in your own backyard, that make going outside a little (or a lot) more bearable, even in the Valley of the Sun.  We get that a full-blown swimming pool isn’t for everyone, so today, we’re talking about other landscape features that can help you […]

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Pavers vs. Concrete: The Pros and Cons

When designing your landscaping, there are lots of things to consider. From real grass vs. turf, to bushes vs. trees, to a vegetable garden vs. a flower garden. Today, we’re talking about another head-to-head decision that Arizona homeowners have to face when designing their landscaping: pavers vs. concrete. There are pros and cons to both options, and what you decide ultimately will have to do with the aesthetic and function you’re aiming for. But generally speaking, there are some pros […]

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What to Look For in a Swimming Pool Company

Installing a swimming pool in your backyard is really exciting…and a little scary. After all, you’re trusting the pool company to take your (hefty) investment and turn it into a pool that is fun and functional—something you and your family will enjoy for years to come. That’s why choosing a company to build your swimming pool is a big decision. Ultimately, it can make or break your experience with the building process and with the pool itself. So how can […]

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Pros and Cons of Installing a Backyard Splash Pad

Splash pads used to only be found in public places, but recently, they’ve become a more popular backyard feature. There are a number of reasons why a backyard splash pad might appeal to families, but of course, there are some downsides to consider as well. It’s always a good idea to weigh the pros and cons before you make an investment like this. As experts in the landscaping industry, we’re here to help. We’ve helped many Arizona families create the […]

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Quarantine Activities Your Family Can Do in the Backyard

You may be stuck at home…but that doesn’t mean you have to be stuck inside! There are plenty of ways to have fun with your entire family, right in your own backyard. Here are some of our favorites. Lawn games Lawn games, like lawn bowling, bocce, cornhole, horseshoes, and croquet, are easy to learn and easy to set up. The equipment is fairly inexpensive, and these games appeal to a wide range of ages. Basically, these types of games are […]

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